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Billing & Pricing
Find The Best Package For Your Budget
Payments Accepted
Payment can be made with ecocash, RTGS Transfer, or ZWL Bond, Quotes will be made in USD "units" payable at the rate in ZWL.
Cancellation Policy
If the quotation is not given the go ahead we will ask for transport costs to be paid for the return of the machine else will be sent for auction to defray costs
Satisfaction Guarantee
3 month guarantee is held on all services and repair of machines, provided no electrical or user damage has taken place.
The Ins And Outs of How We Do Business
Do i need to book an appointment?Yes booking an appointment will help schedule an exact time and date for your machine to be collected.
How long does a service take?Services take generally 2 days depending on the nature of the service and if spares are required.
What machines do you service?We service all brands of machines.
Do you have spares?Yes we have a large stock of spares, and are able to import regularly on customers request which can take from 1 week - 3 weeks depending on spare availability from suppliers.
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